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Mark Yandle and the Marquis De Sade A Biography of Magic In An Enchanted La

Once upon a time, not so long ago in a magical land where dreams had a place of importance, and love filled the air, where children of all ages danced wildly in the grass fields and open mindedness was the theme for as far as the eye could see, there stood a tree of creativity, truth and uninhibited adventure, and they called it rock n' roll.

It was an enchanted tree, the likes of which had never been seen before. Each morning as the sun gave birth to another glorious day, the tree would drop some of its fruit to the ground below. As it touched the earth, the fruit would burst into flames, some large, some small and others, just a spark that died out as quickly as it had began. Some of the fruit would burn for days or months or even years, but only one on this particular day burned a crimson red, so bright that the sun itself turned away. On this day an old soul was reborn, a past visitor once called the Marquis de Sade. He now became anew and was given the chance to bring beautiful dreams to the world, and they called him Mark.

Mark grew up on a mountain over looking a stream of dreams and knew that each dream was one that had been lost by a sad soul, a spirit who had given up on themselves. So once day he journeyed to the stream and gathered up all the lost dreams, and planted a forest, so they could live once more.

Mark now knew what his destiny was, as he heard it in a song. Mark was going to give back freedom to ones mind and body, and return all the lost dreams.

But how, he thought, was he going to achieve such a task? Then one night in a dream, as it so often did, came the answer. He would go throughout the land as a minstrel and play the dreams he had gathered for all to hear. This way, each dream could be given to whomever needed it.

Mark called on the greatest musicians from across the lands both far and near to join in his mission. And come forth they did with hearts of magic and souls filled with adventure. Such talent did they possess that the spirits themselves fell down from the skies and called them the Marquis de Sade, reminding Mark from were he came, and most importantly, were he must now go.

The Marquis de Sade traveled from village to village performing their songs in the finest silks and satins, leathers and snake skin, as dreams floated over the heads of their audiences, falling into the souls of the needy and lost. It was a time of much love and rejoicing.

But the world was changing, which would bring forth such a storm that even the dreams were blown away.

A new world began, filled with self righteousness, greed, and instant gratification. Peace and love and open mindedness were replaced with a wall of screens and wires and knobs that no longer felt the need to touch one another, no longer felt the joy of love or the passion of togetherness. The beauty that once lived and grew each day like a child's dreams slowly died, and became just a memory of a time of stupidity and waste.

Mark returned to his mountain to find the storm had destroyed all that he had planted. The trees lay splintered and the plants had dried up and lay decaying on a ground now turned black. All was lost but one seed, one dream that had never grown when he had first planted the forest.

Mark took that one seed and planted it in the black earth and waited and waited. He waited for months, then years, but the seed never grew. Perhaps it was a dream that had died before he had time to first plant it. He didn't know, but he waited and waited.

Mark sat on his mountain holding a small wooden box that held the songs that once were dreams, not knowing if the world would ever be ready to hear them again. He waited year after year, but for him time did not move, it simply circled around that one seed. A seed that had never grown, but why?

Mark walked down to the blackened field with his wooden box of songs under his arm and sat down next to where he had planted the seed. A sadness came upon him as he realized that the last dream would never live.

As the day began to end, Mark walked back up to the mountain and stared up at the gray sky. He then realized that he had left his wooden box of songs next to the seed in the field. Being so dark and late, he thought he will simple fetch it in the morning.

The following morning, Mark walked down to the field to where he had left his wooden box of songs next to the seed that seemingly had no life. However, when he arrived, he found something very strange. During the night, the seed had come to life and had grown over and around the wood box.

As he sat down next to the plant of crimson red that now held his wood box of songs tightly in its arms, he thought to himself, why has this seed decided to live now? A moment later the plant answered him.

I am your dream Mark. The one dream you held back so others could grow. It is your time to dream, and your dreams have always been right next to you in your wooden box. With that the plant pulled open the wooden box and the earth began to smile once again.

The plant went on to say, give your dreams of magic and love and joy to the world, and through you new dreams will be born, and once more the world will sing.

The 16 song CD that we now offer to you, are those dreams that time nearly forgot. So rejoice in their rebirth, breathe in the magic and let your own dreams grow from their enchantment.

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Memoirs Of The Marquis De Sade
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